events Follonica - Discover Follonica

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events a Follonica

Balestra del girifalco

Balestra del girifalco

The Balestro Girifalco, takes place twice a year: the fourth Sunday of May and the second Sunday in August. They take part in the race 24 crossbowmen,

Cioccolando 2006

Cioccolando 2006

Cioccolando 2006 , Livorno 3 days Cioccolando sweet delicacies, the fair artisanal chocolate , back in Livorno to give three days of intense emotio

Effetto Venezia

Effetto Venezia

Effect Venice is a traditional summer festival of Livorno began in 1986. Its name comes from the district in which it plays, the district of Venice,

Santa Claus in Terzieri

Santa Claus in Terzieri

Friday 24 December 2004 Massa Marittima (GR) For information tel. 0566 902756 Music travelling with Zampognari, 22.00 hours Christmas Concert Cat