natural park Follonica - Discover Follonica

natural park Follonica the touristical website about Follonica

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natural park a Follonica

The Val di Cornia Parks

The Val di Cornia Parks

A stone’s throw from Elba Island, in the province of Livorno, a system of archaeological parks and nature reserves invites you to explore a land

The Garden of Daniel Spoerri

The Garden of Daniel Spoerri

HIC TERMINUS HAERET - The Garden of Daniel Spoerri In the early 90s, the Swiss artist Daniel Spoerri has begun to install a sculpture park in souther

The center Carapax

The center Carapax

The Carapax centre consists of a European association for the protection of all species of turtles. The centre in Tuscany is located in Massa Marittim



The lake of Burano is found on the Tuscany coast to south of the Argentario, the lago has an amplitude of approximately 400 hectares and is constitute

The forest of the Patanella

The forest of the Patanella

The forest of the Patanella is situated within natural it reservoir of the Lagoon of Orbetello. The reservoir instituted in the 1998 from the Italian

Park of the Uccellina

Park of the Uccellina

The park of the Uccellina is situated between the city of Principina to Sea and Talamone, has an extension of 10.000 hectares, in which the varied ter

Park Montioni

Park Montioni

From the centre of Follonica take the road of the cemetery, continuing until they cross the path of the old Aurelia to take on a road semiasfaltata. A